Each committee shall have 2 chairpersons and at least three (3) members to serve on the committee.
Section 1: Program Committee.
The program committee is composed of the Vice-President as chairperson and three other members, whose duty shall be to plan the overall program of the association.
Merci Mancao - Chairperson
Jimylee Datu - Co-chair
Rose Axman
Liza Casteel
Clarisse Teoxon
Section 2: Culture, Arts and Social Affairs Committee.
The culture, arts, and social affairs committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's culture, arts, and social activities and events and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee.
Jimylee Datu - Chairperson
Katrina Dakis Lee - Co-chair
Soledad Gatson Datu
Luzviminda Amposta
Sheila Lemon
Section 3: Youth Committee.
The youth committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's youth-related activities and events and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee.
Eljay Acaling - chairperson
Ralph Dayacap
Francine Marie Pinpin
Rex Alisan Lemon
Section 4: Sports and Physical Activities Committee.
The sports and physical activities committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's sports and physical activities and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee
Michael Agpoon - Chairperson
Eric Tejano - Co-chair
Robert Datu
Jonel Datu
Lawrence Barles
Section 5: Welcoming and Membership Committee.
The welcoming and membership committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's means of recruiting new members, promoting renewals of current and past members and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee.
Liza Casteel - Chairperson
Maritess Wyss - Co-chair
Luzviminda Amposta
Sheila Lemon
Djhoanna de Jesus
Section 6: Humanitarian, Charities, and Ways & Means Committee.
The humanitarian and charities committee will be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's humanitarian, charities, and fundraising activities and events and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee
Alan Albarracin Jr - chairperson
Michael Amposta - Co-chair
Arvin Fontarum
Margie Villarosa
Yoly Lluvido
Section 7: Education, Learning, Technology & Innovation Committee.
The education, learning, technology & innovation committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's educational and learning activities and events and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee
Dr.Arvin J Cruz - chairperson
Michael Fernandez - Co-chair
Derek Mancao
Ralph Dayacap
Nicolo de la Cruz
Section 8: Religious and Spiritual Committee.
The religious and spiritual committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the Association's religious and spiritual activities and events and all the duties usually pertaining to such committee
Josephine Borje Post - Chairperson
Gigi Harpel - Co-chair
Marian Amposta
Djhoanna de Jesus
Section 9: Special Committee. The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committee, with the approval of the Executive body, from time to time as need demands.